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MINFOPRA Position du dossier: A Step by Step guide

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Version française

It is challenging as a civil servant in Cameroon when you are ignorant of the progress of your career. This ignorance usually stems from the fact that you do not know the status of your administrative file in MINFOPRA. You do not know if your file is up-to-date and whether your advancement or integration file is right on queue. You do not know the channel your file has to take in MINFOPRA and also you do not know how much time it will take to go through this channel.

To help you come to grips with your career as a civil servant, we will try to dispel your ignorance, doubts, and fear about MINFOPRA. In this article, we will help you understand MINFOPRA, know how to find your way around the dossier MINFOPRA web application, and also how to understand what you get as result of your query, on their system in charge of keeping and updating your file as a civil servant in Cameroon.

  • minfopra integration decision
  • minfopra results
  • minfopra advancement 2022
  • index minfopra
  • www.minfopra.gov.cm in english
  • www minfopra gov cm position of documents

French Version


MINFOPRA, Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reforms is the Ministry in Cameroon in charge of recruiting and the careers of most of the civil servants in Cameroon. The MINFOPRA gov.cm is their website in charge of handling most of their online functions and news publication.

What is dossier MINFOPRA

dossier.minfopra.gov.cm application is that part of the MINFOPRA website that handles inquiries about the status and position of files relating to civil servants. The dossier MINFOPRA holds a database that when queried gives detailed information concerning the file of the concerned.

  • minfopra integration decision
  • minfopra results
  • minfopra advancement 2022
  • index minfopra
  • www.minfopra.gov.cm in english
  • www minfopra gov cm position of documents

Step by step walkthrough consultation dossier MINFOPRA

1) Click the link to get to dossier.minfpora.gov.cm.

2) Select your preferred language.

Minfopra file consultation

Your browser should automatically redirect you to your primary language version. If it does not, you should select your preferred language at the top right corner of the page.

3) Register or login.

Dossier minfopra login

Registering to dossier MINFOPRA is not obligatory. You only register and login if only you want SMS and email notifications about the evolution of your file at MINFOPRA. This feature could be very important if you need it.

4) Consult the status of your file.

Minfopra Position du dossier

Whether you are logged in or not, you can proceed with this step. Select the “Consultation file” button which is just below the language select button. You only have to do this if you were redirected to the login page.

5) The page you see before you show the files that are presently being treated in the ministry of public service that concerns you.

6) See the status of the individual file.

To see the detailed route that the file has taken so far and also the status of the file, click on the “Voir parcours” link at the end of the row of the particular file.

7) A new tab will appear displaying the detailed route of the file.

Minfopra Position du dossier

If your file is stuck at one office for an unusually long period, you can know from here and take steps.

Reasons for and steps to take if your file is stuck at a particular service for a relatively long period.

Before you storm the Ministry of Public Service guns blazing, know that your file may be stuck at a particular service for long because of particular reasons.

  • minfopra integration decision
  • minfopra results
  • minfopra advancement 2022
  • index minfopra
  • www.minfopra.gov.cm in english
  • www minfopra gov cm position of documents

1) Situation: Incomplete file

Your file may be stuck at a particular service because it may lack one or more documents that it needs to evolve. This may not be because you did not submit the document but sometimes during the transmission of files, one document may slip out of the lot and get lost or becomes difficult to replace in the correct file. Some civil servants have alleged that documents are taken out of their files to cause their files to be incomplete so that they can come and “negotiate” with the personnel in question.

What you can do

In this case, you can pay a visit to the service with all the copies of the file that you are worried about. If it turns out that it lacks any document, you can replace it there and then so that the file can continue its path to signature.

Also see faq: When the status of a file says… “transmis au … pour bien vuloir joindre le …

What the Ministry could do

The Ministry of Public Service could ensure that the transmission of files should be done in a more careful manner so that documents and files are not lost. The ministry could also seek to impute fault on their personnel when documents duly submitted by a civil servant turn out missing.

2) Situation: In availability of a personnel

In this case, the person responsible to treat the file especially to sign it is not available may be due to annual leave or sick leave.

What you can do
In this case, you can only pray that the person returns safe and strong to continue with the treatment of your file. The ministry may however appoint another person to fill in for an unavailable person so as to ensure the continuity of public service.

What the Ministry could do
The ministry could avoid a situation where it can only be one person who has the capacity to handle a particular scope in files of civil servants. They should appoint two or more personnel to functions that experience such issues.

  • minfopra integration decision
  • minfopra results
  • minfopra advancement 2022
  • index minfopra
  • www.minfopra.gov.cm in english
  • www minfopra gov cm position of documents

3) Situation: A normal long procedure

Not all work in each service on your file is equal and takes the same period to finish. Some services need more time to complete work on each file so that they can pass them on. A good example is when you have not been updating your file and after many years, you come to update it. The personnel at the public service may need to treat years or decades of your untreated files in order to bring them up-to-date before they transmit to the next service.

What you can do
In this case, you can only be patient for your file to pass through the long procedure. Also, do not wait for years before you update your file in the public service for your career to evolve in time.

What the ministry can do
The ministry could implement shorter procedures either with multiple personnel handling a long procedure or using completely transferring the task to the aid of a computer to handle.

4) Situation: A large volume of work before the personnel treating your file

This case is common in our country with its centralized system as file treatment is manual and mostly done in Yaoundé and also in only one Ministry. The personnel may have hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of files to treat.

What you can do
If treatment is done chronologically (first in first out), then good for you. All you have to do is to wait your turn. If it is not treated chronologically, then bad for you. You may have to either wait and pray that favour from above seeks your file out, or you go to the service where the delay is to plead with the person to have mercy, or you, as many other impatient or “corrupt” civil servants do, could go to the service where the delay is and propose to corrupt the personnel even more so that your file can be treated in time. Know that this last option is not only unfair but also criminal according to the Cameroonian Penal Code. Minfopra Position du dossier

What the ministry can do
The ministry could appoint more personnel to handle areas where there are accumulated files and then apply deadlines for the treatment of files. The Ministry can set up a reporting system where civil servants who think they have been treated unfairly can report the service concerned for further investigation.

  • minfopra integration decision
  • minfopra results
  • minfopra advancement 2022
  • index minfopra
  • www.minfopra.gov.cm in english
  • www minfopra gov cm position of documents

Advantages and disadvantages of dossier MINFOPRA

The web application, dossier MINFOPRA, lays out transparently the status of the files of civil servants. It keeps civil servants in the know as to their files pending before the Ministry of Public Service. It helps inform the civil servant when it is time to take action on their stagnant file. minfopra Position du dossier

There is a large volume of daily requests that come to the dossier MINFOPRA web application that it makes it to be inaccessible to others when they need it most. If more resources could be allocated to this application so at to enable it to handle thousands of requests simultaneously, it will help keep it accessible in times of the high volume of requests.

It is easy to spy or snoop into another person’s file situation. If you have the service number or name of any civil servant, you can see all their file situation on dossier MINFOPRA. This makes exposes all and keeps no file situation private. It is not clear what malicious activity could result in this lack of privacy on dossier MINFOPRA but it is vulnerable all the same.


Q. What does it mean when the status of a file says… “transmis au … pour bien voloir joindre le …” Meaning that a document is missen from your file, what do you do?

A. The abovementioned is a status report at dossier MINFOPRA asking you to add a particular document to a file that is undertreatment. This happens when the personnel at MINFOPRA, on treating a file, finds out that the file is missing a document.

In this case, you will have to go to the competent authority where the document has to be established, establish it and write a letter to MINFOPRA telling that the document you are attaching to the letter is in completion of the file of [NAME OF FILE], with [MATRICULE], [OBJECT] and presently located at [SERVICE]. The information in the square brackets “[ ]” will be found in the status at dossier MINFOPRA.

Then you deposit it at the regional delegation of MINFOPRA or you take it Yaounde if you so wish.

  • minfopra integration decision
  • minfopra results
  • minfopra advancement 2022
  • index minfopra
  • www.minfopra.gov.cm in english
  • www minfopra gov cm position of documents
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