Version Française
Congratulations, you passed the concours (competitive examination) and are on your way into the public service. As well as you are eager to get to work, there are some things that if they are not in place as you start your public service, you will quickly lose your patience.
MINFOPRA, MINFI, and your ministry are trying to serve the state employees but their success greatly depends on your collaboration. As well as there is the attempt to automate many procedures in the treatment of files, there are those areas that need your cooperation.
The extent to which you are active in following your file in these ministries is the faster your career and your financial situation will evolve.
Before joining the civil service, you may have someone close who is a state employee or you may have been oriented by one at the happenings. This article will help clarify and prep you into many aspects of your files (you will have to follow up quite a few).
This article is a result of a long time of handling file-related issues with state employees. We also have gathered questions and enlightenment from various existing social fora.
Expect that we go wide but also expect that we will handle details too. This article will continuously be updated so we need your contributions to help as many Cameroonian state employees as possible.
This article is aimed at helping the state employee (both civil servants and contract workers) during their journey from succeeding in the concours to having their salary. The article will also help those who left a State professional school like ENAM, ENS, etc.
Note that the procedure as spelled out here may not come in direct order but it will be close to it.
I will be using most terms in French but will do my best to define them in English. This is to help that when you are asked in French to present a document, you will already know what is asked for in English.
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1. Filling of the Antilope
The “antilope” is a form that kick starts your file at MINFOPRA and MINFI. This form contains information as to the civil status, educational achievements, and bank information of the employee.
For those who are to pass through the state professional school, ENAM, they will have to fill out this form collectively and send it in before they start doing any other thing.
This is because they will have to be paid later as they study at ENAM. Their files have to be under treatment earlier.
Download a sample antilope form
2. The signing of your contract (for contract workers)
After you have succeeded in the concours, you will be called to your ministry or to MINFOPRA to sign your contract. The contract is to the contract worker as the integration decision is to the civil servant.
If you signed the contract at MINFOPRA, you will be asked to go back and wait for MINFOPRA to put you at the disposal of your ministry for “Prise de service”.
3. Prise de service collective
Prise de service in English is like showing up and taking or assuming performance of your duty. It is the direct equivalence of “assumption of duty” in Cameroon English. We will continue referring to it as “taking service”.
Taking service is telling the state that you accept your new duty and are willing to start work. It is done by a simple signature from you, on a document produced by the author.
For those who passed through a state professional school, like ENAM, taking service will come after your internship and final studies at ENAM. When you are called to take service, it will be collective first and it will be at MINFOPRA. Then you will be asked to go back and wait for you to be put at the disposal of your ministry.
For others, you may take service collectively at MINFOPRA or at your ministry. You will be informed about the venue before you come for the activity. You will also be asked to go back and wait for you to be put at the disposal of your ministry.
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4. “Prise de service” at your ministry
You will then be called upon by your ministry to take service there. This one may as well be collective or individual. After this, you will be asked to go back and wait for posting.
5. Get posted
The next step is where you will be posted. You will be informed by radio announcement, by reading online, or be informed by a friend that you have been posted.
You will have to go to your ministry and receive the decision posting. You will use this decision to take service at your new station. If your boss at your new station is gracious, he will give you some time to go and prepare to come and start work. If there is much to do, you will have to start work without delay.
Meanwhile, you can start checking on to see if the minister has signed your integration decision or your contract. If all goes well, you may wait only about a year for it to be signed.
Read more how to follow up your file at
6. Collection of your integration decision or contract
When you find out that your act is signed by the minister, you will now need to go and collect it from MINFOPRA. If all else goes well, it will take around a year for it to be signed.
The act is made in three copies and you will collect only one for now. They will keep the other two for safekeeping.
You will collect it at the “Maison de l’usager” between 8am and 11:30am. You will have to write on a piece of paper the following information.
- Your names
- Object: [contract or integration decision]
- Matricule:
- Date of signature:
- Ministry:
You will submit this paper for your decision to be sorted out. It is on this act that you will find your matricule.
Congratulations! You have crossed an important landmark.
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7. Bulletin nul
After having your matricule, if you care to check your payslip at MINFI or at ebulletin, you will find out that you are having a bulletin nul mention on it.
Read more about how to print your payslip online
This step does not concern those who already started receiving their salary right from when they were in school as those from ENAM.
The step to take here is to compile your file for “prise en charge”.
8. Compilation for the “prise en charge financiere”
The “prise en charge financiere” is a file that your ministry will send to the MINFI for your salary to be treated and programmed.
This file comprises of:
- A stamped application addressed to your minister
- 2 antilope forms (refer above to what they are)
- 2 “notice individuelles”
- An attestation of effective presence not older than 3 months
- An original or certified copy of your integration decision or contract for contract workers.
- Copy of the decision posting you
- A copy of the form where you did the “prise de service” at your ministry
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You will deposit this file at the incoming mails, “courier”, or at the “service de la solde et pension” of your ministry.
Then you exercise more patience for the file to be treated and sent to MINFI.
Meanwhile, if you have not yet done so, create an account at ebulletin and check each month on the 24th to see if your payslip has left from “bulletin nul” to something more promising.
Read more about how to print your payslip online
You can also call 8022 on the 24th to check if your salary is programmed for payment. After you call the first time, your number will be saved and you will receive notifications from MINFI when salaries are available. The notifications will tell you if you are programmed to collect your first salary that month.
9. Get paid
When you extract your payslip from MINFI or from ebulletin and you find out that you have been programmed to collect your salary that month, rejoice.
The first salary is always collected either at the Trésorerie Générale or the Recette des Finances all of Yaounde. Your payslip will indicate where you will have to collect it.
Remember to keep your first “bon de caisse”. It will come in handy later in your career and when you are going on retirement.
Q. What does it mean when the status of a file says… “transmis au … pour bien voloir joindre le …” Meaning that a document is missen from your file, what do you do?
A. The abovementioned is a status report at dossier MINFOPRA asking you to add a particular document to a file that is undertreatment. This happens when the personnel at MINFOPRA, on treating a file, finds out that the file is missing a document.
In this case, you will have to go to the competent authority where the document has to be established, establish it and write a letter to MINFOPRA telling that the document you are attaching to the letter is in completion of the file of [NAME OF FILE], with [MATRICULE], [OBJECT] and presently located at [SERVICE]. The information in the square brackets “[ ]” will be found in the status at dossier MINFOPRA.
Then you deposit it at the regional delegation of MINFOPRA or you take it Yaounde if you so wish.
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Q. Please need clarification for contract workers, when does the salary start counting? The signing of the contract or the taking up of service at MINFOPRA?
A. The salary counter starts counting on the date of the contract mentioned in article 19 of the contract.
Q. I did not sign my contract when the others did. When is the latest date for signing the contract?
A. There is no time limit for signing. You can sign at any time.